Family Connection/Communities In Schools of Berrien County, Inc. is
a unique nonprofit, public-private partnership created in 1996 by caring citizens and supported by a combination of federal, state and local funds including private, corporate and individual contributions.
We assist our communities in addressing the serious challenges facing Berrien County’s children and families. Our goals are for all children to reside in a stable and healthy family, remain free of abuse and neglect, free of delinquency and teen pregnancy, and to succeed in school and graduate on-time.
Our Board of Directors that serves as our governing board of Family Connection/Communities In Schools of Berrien County provides and monitors all aspects of our work and programs of FC/CIS of Berrien County collaboration. The Board of Director consists of 16 members, of which 60% represent private sectors and 40% represent public sectors. The role of the board consists of monitoring collaborative progress and linking collaborative members to the community and funding sources. In addition, the board is viewed as having input into which grants are appropriate for their community’s needs and therefore sought.
Since created in 1996, the collaborative has secured millions in funding for Berrien County's children and families. Current and/or previous funders include" state legislature (through Georgia Family Connection Partnership and Communities in Schools of Georgia); federal Community Based Abstinence Education Program; Safe Schools/Healthy Students Initiative; Grants to Reduce Alcohol Abuse Program; Drug Free Communities Support Program; federal Parental Information Resource Center Program; federal Compassion Capital Program; 21st Century Community Learning Center Initiative; Even Start Family Literacy Program; AT&T Aspire Program; Youth Developmental Funds; Community Development Block Grant Program; Rotary, Wal-Mart; and the School Based Clinic.